
☝ Saint Eleanor Girlani

born: Trino, 1460
died: Mantua, jan 25, 1494

She planned to become a Benedictine nun, but her horse did not agree and refused to carry her there. Apparently this wise animal at a later date did not disapprove of going to Parma so Eleanor became a Carmelite nun there.

She lived her religious life so intensely that, even though still here on Earth, she 'lived as if absorbed into Heaven'. She was gifted with ecstasies and levitation.

Distinguishable features:
Wingspan: 1,51 m
Weight (approx): 45 kg
Range and distribution: Italy
Color: brown and white tunic.
Special features: a pigeon


L.E.Nor said...

Hi. When is her feastday? Email me at: rainbowvomit12@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

February 21st.